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01/30/21 3:23 PM

#3291 RE: NewYorker567 #3286

Excellent post. We know government and Wall Street work together to enrich each other. Pelosi picked up a cool million by buying TSLA calls because she knew Biden would announce a move to all-electric vehicles on the Federal level. Likewise we saw how Elizabeth Warren rushed to defend the Hedge Fund banker interests--she's in the back pocket of the bankers.


Overdue financial rebellion by investors and traders last week. After over a century of manipulated and rigged stock market by Wall St. elites and the colluded government leaders, the American investors revolted at the shorting threat of several favorite companies including GameStop by the corrupted hedge fund rulers.

The stock market, the treasure of treasures where all the money of the world including people and companies is concentrated and fed by the American taxpayers through budget deficits which increased the US national debt, has served for way too long as the private treasure of criminal businessmen and government officials who after getting elected dedicate their lives to protect insider traders and to enrich themselves through insider trading. The American investors, and all the investors throughout the world, are used for that mere purpose: to increase the wealth of viciously greedy men and women in private companies and highest levels of government.

The stock market is extremely rigged to the point of being programmed way ahead of the trading day with only the insiders and their friends knowing what’s coming. The regular American trader and investor has never had a real chance against them. The government protects Wall St. companies and insiders with their lives instead of protecting the American people and investors as they one day swear to do. The corruption of the markets can’t get any worse. It is a bottomless net of accomplices including: all media, all enforcement agencies, Washington politicians, the Federal Reserve, the top ledgers of government, and the main private companies CEOs and their executives. All leaders against the American investors.

This such level of stock market corruption probably reached it climax as a bunch or well coordinated small traders and investors couldn’t take it any longer. And the fight against those market manipulators and “owners” of the treasure of treasures where put on notice and on defense like never before in the entire history of the stock markets. It wasn’t for sure the elected politicians who have never stood up to defend the American investor but the investors themselves through risking their money and efforts to make a point and if possible to destroy those criminals who were expecting to make billions out of shorting these companies like they always have done for over a hundred years.

This time, and maybe not the last time, the younger generation of investors fought like real soldiers against the main enemy of the American people: the blood sucking Wall St. piranhas and the government officials who protect them with all the got so they also continue to steal at will through the trading of securities using FDA, business, legislative decisions and more, insider information.

The real financial fight has just began. I hope.


01/30/21 8:36 PM

#3337 RE: NewYorker567 #3286

Excellent post. Keep on doing what your doing. It's appreciated. thank you and take care