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Almost A Myth

01/29/21 12:19 PM

#9692 RE: In for the run #9690

Thanks for your kind words. Like I said, I still like this company, but I sat in another ticker for 3 years, bored off my ass while I let a lot of great daytrading stocks pass me by.

Other than that long hold, I've got my account to a point where I can trade the movers again. When other stocks are moving, a few daytrades generates more money than sitting on my hands on a low volume ticker. So in essence, I'm losing money sitting here watching it go up and down a few pennies at a time and not trading in and out. This is not a daytrading stock right now, plus the L2 attacker does not let anyone sit on the bid or offer, they shave every order that comes in. I had to use AON orders to get out.

But still a great company folks. When volume returns these L2 games will stop and I'll consider getting back in. I hope my DD helps a lot of people. I'll be on the side.