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Julius Erving

01/30/21 4:08 AM

#344011 RE: badog #343991

Apparently you haven't looked at the sp lately. It says it all.

Apparently you haven't looked at all my posts recently on this topic? They explain it all.

All information you refer to is available to all....and yet the sp doesn't move.

In 'The making of an American Capitalist" by Roger Lowenstein Buffet is quoted that he could NOT believe why nobody wanted the shares he bought. He simply could not believe it, since he almost scientifically could prove that the stock was undervalued. Go figure... even in those cases people still had no interest in the stocks Buffet bought. Hence Ben Grahams' remarks, about solely listening to the market.

That concept isn't that hard to understand. ERHC's share price cannot be right, since not all information is available. It's just perception by 'the market'. The jury is still out.

If the market would be definitively right about ERHC currently, then on what specific, and widely available, information exactly is that opinion based? I asked this before... I got no answer, other than:

"Because investors will not invest in companies that don't report. That's how it's true. That's why we are at triple zero's."

But that is nothing more than an interpretation of what is known, so nothing definitive. They call that: uncertainty. And the market hates uncertainty. But the company knows more, and they engaged in litigation... go figure.

ERHC longs are here to discuss the whereabouts of ERHC. Perfectly normal and understandable. ERHC evidently does not need the retail shareholder anymore, then that goes the same for ERHC longs, obviously.

But I urge you again to NOT dismiss post:

There is a (financial) reason for everything, and this could be an indication (understatement) for the existence of people who betted against ERHC.

Anybody should ask him/herself the right questions when it comes to ERHC, but some seem to refuse, while revealing a continued interest in ERHC. The Longs are here for obvious reasons. They are the ones that bought the bulk of their ERHC shares at these levels, and see some positive developments down the road regarding EEZ block 4, as does the company in which we own shares, evidently.

So again: that is why we wait, comfortably, for TOTAL. The litigation had a purpose/goal: financial rewards. There is a reason that the litigation took place, there is a reason that ERHC did not want to give KOSMOS a NON-REDACTED copy of the contract with TOTAL.

There is a reason that I will sit on my 50 million shares, until developments. Otherwise I would have moved on... if I did not own shares.