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01/28/21 10:56 PM

#342052 RE: farrell90 #342051

That is the exact COMPANY quotation...
("Brilacidin’s potent in vitro inhibition of the Washington and Italian strains of SARS-CoV-2 support its potential to inhibit emerging coronavirus mutations (variants), such as those in the United Kingdom, Denmark and South Africa")
...and a careful reading of the post to which you're responding makes it clear that that poster knows that.

The quote he provided was one that HE was complaining about in the post that HE was responding to, in fact he called it false and unsubstantiated without qualified external citation.
"In in vitro studies, Brilacidin was found to be a potent inhibitor of all variants of SARS-CoV-2, from the Washington to the Italian, from the English to the Danish and South African variants."

I think your post may have been misdirected.

"No sign of pecuniary intent in my opinion."

pe·cu·ni·ar·y | p?'kyo?one?ere |
adjective formal
relating to or consisting of money

Pecuniary intent?


01/28/21 11:02 PM

#342054 RE: farrell90 #342051

As much as I respect your opinion...

there's a substantive difference between the quote you provide:

Brilacidin’s potent in vitro inhibition of the Washington and Italian strains of SARS-CoV-2 support its potential to inhibit emerging coronavirus mutations (variants), such as those in the United Kingdom, Denmark and South Africa

and the false and misleading quote here:

In in vitro studies, Brilacidin was found to be a potent inhibitor of all variants of SARS-CoV-2, from the Washington to the Italian, from the English to the Danish and South African variants.

These are two very different statements. The former is merely suggestive, if not speculative by the qualifying term 'potential'. The latter makes a declarative, post hoc conclusion stating 'was found to be.'

To date, there has been no public disclosure stating Brilacidin has been tested on any variant of CV19 other than Washington and Italian. Any definitive conclusions pertaining to other variants, such as 'was found to be a potent inhibitor' is categorically false.