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01/29/21 6:23 PM

#52407 RE: Alydyr #52405

"THE Bet." Buffett vs Brilliant Ivy Leaguers. 2016. Read the story or click for the podcast version.

"KESTENBAUM: Bogle creates this in 1976, and he's ready to open it up to the world, the first index fund ever. This is a fund for everybody. You can put in a small amount of money or a lot.

GOLDSTEIN: Bogle gets a bunch of big investment firms to go out to their clients and say, here's this great new thing. You want in?

KESTENBAUM: How much money were they hoping to get?

BOGLE: A hundred and fifty million dollars.

KESTENBAUM: How much did you get?

BOGLE: Eleven million dollars. It was a flop."