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01/28/21 10:12 PM

#18718 RE: ShawnP123 #18717

Well I sure wish they wouldn't have wasted all that money researching this idea at Cedars-Sinai. Heck they should have just read the post here at iHub and saved millions.
Someone call Josh and give him this hot tip,,,


01/29/21 1:07 AM

#18719 RE: ShawnP123 #18717

In my previous post Healight: The Moonshot Not Yet Heard Round the World

This is one of the potential aspects Healight could be used for:

“We see broad potential application well beyond Healight’s use in COVID,” Mr. Disbrow said when speaking to investors last week, “including ventilator associated pneumonia, severe influenza and other infections.”

Also many places around the globe do not have decent ICUs nor necessarily enough qualified physicians or drugs available. If Healight could could be used early on it could save a lot of lives. "It's just a small catheter that can be inserted down the throat of an intubated, critically ill coronavirus patient." (Same article).