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01/28/21 2:46 PM

#2579 RE: Jack Tripper99 #2573

.....and there it is, the US major brokerage firms and their prime bank clients ~ mostly unregulated Hedge funds can never be permanently beaten by individual investors, no matter how many investors/traders collude to drive supply and demand into inequality that drives short squeezes. I will guess that investors who bought GME (and other issues) from RH or similar platforms were 100% shorted the shares. RH turned into a liquidation only, TD turned into liquidation only, I'm sure other brokerages followed suit trapping a long squeeze while shorts burned on margin calls for delivery of shares that either don't exist or cannot be borrowed to sell.

Certainly a wonderful event too watch or to be lucky enough to be holding 25,000 shares for nearly a year(Hehe) and having lived through a few of these out of control squeezes (i.e TILRAY, Volkswagon) the choice to liquidate yesterday was easy.

The entire game is rigged but knowing its rigged helps.