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Value N Income

01/28/21 1:08 PM

#8034 RE: bar1080 #8031


1. I just copied what I thought was relevant information about NGL Energy.
2. The fact that the common unit distribution coverage was over 5x last quarter and over 4x for the trailing 12 months is not debatable, it is either true or untrue. Anyone can look this up.
3. Future distribution (or as you say dividend but I know what you mean) is not "poor". Why do you think they did this bond offering? So they would be more hindered financially or less? That should be obvious.
4. Why not wait 10 days until NGL reports earnings and has their conference call to gloat? If you feel you are right wouldn't this vindicate your position? On the other hand, good for you to state your position just before we find out everything, then we will all know if your "analysis" is competent.
5. Responding to your other "response" where you "laugh out loud" on whether NGL had value at $22 per unit in Dec. 19, 2020. a) I think everyone with a brain can see that the world has drastically changed since that (think Covid-19 and global pandemic). b) I was again copying a post from Fred on Yahoo as he seemed to have been following the company for a long time and I liked his argument.
6. Finally, although not the most sophisticated responses, I appreciate your opposing point-of-view as that is what makes a market.

Good luck to you. After NGL management speaks on Feb. 9th, I will be happy to give you credit for any accurate guesses.