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01/28/21 6:11 PM

#2701 RE: mr green239 #2480

CNBC has been using the 'fundamentals' line all day. Did you borrow their talking point? Naked shorting a company into oblivion is allowed because corrupt regulators look the other way. It's a big club and the little people aren't in it. The little people are vilified as basement-dwelling dweebs who know nothing about the market. Well, those little people taught the Goliaths a lesson about over selling something they didn't own. The little people simply played by the rules, but the Goliaths had to change those rules midstream to favor themselves. Now we know....THIS IS NOT A FREE MARKET.

Endless QEs also drove share price movement and who benefitted from the endless trillions in free money? The top Goliaths who own most of the market. They get their chosen stocks to go up ridiculously regardless of fundamentals while their shorted companies get targeted for execution. And who pays the price? Why, the little people taxpayer chumps, of course!
