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Pennies From God

01/26/21 8:48 AM

#20305 RE: Pennies From God #20304

That SEC article to me, identifies a clear reason why my style of investing works for me.

I've said this many times. I am a long term investor. I am in the investment for capital gains. My strategy includes the assistance of long range chart(s).

Their product(s) or service(s) mean very little to me.

Making money ($$$) is the plan

The most important factor(s) in my method to long term chart investing are the chart(s) life cycles.

I don't have to worry about the SEC changing the "rules", or noncompliance(s). I sleep well at night.

I do however like communication from the company from time to time so I can make notes and compare the notes to the chart movements.

DD does make it interesting, but like I said, the communication from the long term chart(s) is the most important communication(s).


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01/26/21 10:13 AM

#20306 RE: Pennies From God #20304

I do my DD, but that doesn’t mean I have to believe everything being said. I’ve been burned on numerous occasions by CEO’s that spew BS. I once had a great stock with great products under patent and the ahole took toxic financing and I think sold the formula under the table to benefit him. I even had a source to produce and market the product which he refused. My problem here is all talk and little or no action. The RS totally pissed me off. Legitimate RS are usually to accomplish something and are followed with positive news. That has not happened here. You lecture me on DD, because you want to believe yours. I am more skeptical which doesn’t always mean I don’t do anything because I don’t share your view. I am now down 48%, an improvement from last week. I respect your view, I only expect you to respect mine. JMHO

The Old Owl