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Julius Erving

01/26/21 11:15 AM

#343919 RE: badog #343898

Because investors will not invest in companies that don't report. That's how it's true. That's why we are at triple zero's.

This is so easy.

Yes, it is easy. So easy that this IS exactly was what I was saying all along: It's called uncertainty.

But what is strange... is this quote:

Complete DD is impossible...remember...the company doesn't report or provide any info

If complete DD is impossible, then how can ERHC's share price be right, my friend!?! It's the one... or the other. One cannot have the pie and eat it too. The share price is where it is due to the fact that ERHC doesn't report or file.

So we finally agree!

And at this very point true DD starts... true DD certainly does NOT end at this point... by "looking at the share price"!

Remember: according to someone here: "SEO is still TRYING TO PROTECT HIS INVESTMENT IN ERHC". And that DESPITE ERHC's current share price... I might add.

So the ERHC 'share price' is pulling someones' leg here...
