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01/25/21 3:28 PM

#2531 RE: Kongol626 #2530

I’ve been researching and evidently “individuals operating a suspended corporation risk criminal penalties.”
So does their status with California and Delaware affect their lawsuits? And is their corporate status with CA & DE, “severely” limit their corporate activity, how can they even perform basic responsibilities with the lawsuits? Ugh. What happened to that person why was going to contact the securities attorney? Someone suggested a long time ago that insiders might be posting here, not even sure of that, but I’ve speculated who AvidFisher might be.


02/14/21 7:21 AM

#2550 RE: Kongol626 #2530

How can you even say winnings and INVT loses in the same breath? That makes no sense at all, all you said proves INVT suffered astronomical losses!


02/14/21 7:27 AM

#2552 RE: Kongol626 #2530

Can you post here what rules they violated? And if you don't know which rules we can't say it was of a nefarious nature.