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01/25/21 11:55 AM

#343887 RE: Krombacher #343886

Yes thanks for correcting the bullshit about erhc having reported revenues for 2019. As everyone can see, that was not a true statement. erhc has not released financials for over 3 years and the SEC is seeking to revoke its shares because of that fact. The idea that there would be financials disclosed to D&B but not to the SEC is another new erhe paradigm farce.

Regarding the apparent confusion about annual meetings, the fact that annual means once a year, and the incorrect bullshit claiming the annual meetings rules do not apply to erhc (which also is not a true statement), here is a quote from a recent post regarding this issue:

United States
C corporation

Required to hold annual meeting of shareholders to vote on certain items, such as election of directors.

As silly and unnecessary as this should be, apparently there is a need to see this yet again:

Annual means every year.

It is an annual meeting, not an annual need to decide if a meeting should be held. If that was the case, it wouldn't be an annual meeting.