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01/25/21 1:06 AM

#341380 RE: kfcyahoo #341379

I've wondered the same about the remaining two board members not named Leo - whether they know they are still on the board. As for DeGrado, I would think that unless Leo has gone completely mad, the August 2020 press release supports DeGrado knowing his recent connection with IPIX as a scientific advisor.


01/26/21 8:56 AM

#341570 RE: kfcyahoo #341379


Base on your posting:

Ya think DeGrado knows he's been named a scientific advisor to the "company"? I think it warrants a call for verification.

...Your logic should lead you to be questioning and calling:

GMU - RBL and lead scieintist if they even heard of Brilacidin?..then

GMU to question if they tested Brilacidin and wonderful human tissue test results?

GMU - did they compose and issue the Pre-Pring Peer Review Artilce on the positive results of Brilacidin?

FDA - to verify that they issued Investigative New Drug Designation and APPROVING CLINICAL TRIALS for Brilacidin...or did they get hacked and was it posted by an imposter?

FDA - to verify that they granted FAST TRACK APPROVAL for Brilacidin to facilitate its development...or were they hacked and was it posted by an imposter?


I did that for you, not to question IPIX or LEO's veracity...but

EMAILED Dr DeGrado (and not for the first time, pre-appointment) to congradulate him on the appointment and telling him that I expect, at the next ceremony for Pulitzer Prize for Medicine, to see him on accept the award! He responded (as in his past responsive emails) graciously ... to both the being appointed as Scientific Advisor (and rejoining the Brilacidin team) and my believing he should be considered for Pulitzer Prize for Medicine.

ps. When you make your calls...can we all assume you will be posting the glowing expressions of optimism for Brilacidin's prospects?