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01/26/21 8:55 PM

#486235 RE: fitzwell11 #485369

Hey fitz, question for you...

I know from your posts that you've been willing to play both sides of a trade. I have never played the short side. Anything that I should be aware of if I give it a go?

I have no idea if I sell short if my broker (Fidelity) shows that money in a different manner, or how that money from he short sale is locked/accounted for?

I don't know if I buy to cover, can I buy immediately? For example, if I short something at $2 and it drops to $1 a few minutes later, can I cover immediately, or is there a certain amount of time that has to pass first?

I know there are interest/borrow rates...I don't quite understand how those work...but is there a place to look those up or see those prior to selling short? Or does it show as part of a sell short order before one executes their order? Obviously paying a high borrow rate doesn't make sense.

Thanks in advance!