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01/21/21 12:19 PM

#30307 RE: mareen #30306

I don’t disagree that the balance sheet is improving BUT NOT WITH PROFITS FROM REVENUE.

The balance sheet has improved because they issued $95 million dollars worth of stock and sold a $10 million dollar asset.

I’m happy that they diversified products and put a focus on specialty alcohols.

It’s not “new management” because they promoted their new CEO from within the company.

The new company name makes no sense. ALTO is a variance of a musical note.
What does ALTO have to do with Ethanol or Specialty Alcohols?
I’ve done the research. ALTO has zero to do with alternative fuel or specialty alcohols.
It’s like they got drunk one day over lunch and brainstormed for a new name. One of them, without doing any research into what ALTO means said “ALTO sounds like a cool name” and the rest of them blindly agreed.

The stock is down OVER $1.00 per share in just two sessions and session #2 isn’t even over yet.