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Julius Erving

01/21/21 4:14 AM

#343817 RE: badog #343802

No Dude, the important parts are ignored, over and over and over again:

1. The continued very high 'interest' in this 'pile of shit' by some...

2. The share price is not going to give you answers to the right questions: courtesy Ben GRAHAM.

"The rest of "the investment world" ignores 'expert market' stocks. Let alone that they know about any litigation.

ERHC didn't PR.... remember? And even if they did, nobody would pay attention.

Yes, ERHC is currently undervalued. By how much is anybodies guess, depends on developments. But undervalued nontheless.

The moment TOTAL makes a move, some will lose their shirt... and more.

No, there will not be substantial amounts of shares available anymore at these prices...

Too bad. Try to shake the tree...

P.s. Why didn't ERHC want to hand over an UNredacted contract to KOSMOS? Why would they care? Remember: this is a skeleton-like shell company...

Incomplete DD regarding ERHC equals no DD at all.

Julius Erving

01/24/21 6:08 AM

#343857 RE: badog #343802

Some general remarks regarding ERHC...

The sp does tell us of the interest level...litigation or not.

Ben Graham's remark was exactly addressing this very point, that it is not about "interest level": "You are not right or wrong BECAUSE A THOUSAND PEOPLE (read: "The Market") AGREE WITH YOU, and you're not right or wrong BECAUSE A THOUSAND PEOPLE DISAGREE WITH YOU..."

ERHE is valued as the market thinks it should be

Yes, exactly like it was with all stocks that Warren Buffett bought at undervalued prices. All stocks in general for that matter.
Warren Buffett should be the one to know whether the share price is always right or not, or that emotion is taking the upper hand in certain cases. The share price is of course far from always right (hence Warren's huge wealth accumulation), and certainly not in ERHC's case. Why not in ERHC's case? Well, because of:

Complete DD is impossible...remember...the company doesn't report or provide any info

Indeed, so true: Then how can the share price be right in ERHC's case!?! It's the one... or the other. One cannot have the pie and eat it too.

Can one prove that Total will make a move? What would that move be?

In the history of the stockmarket nobody could ever proof anything without having inside information... and act upon it. Here in ERHC's case I can say that it is way more likely that TOTAL will make a move, since I quoted TOTAL from the litigation documents expressing their high interest in EEZ block 4. Also: ERHC can force TOTAL probably not to ignore the existing contract. That is why it is called a "contract". What that first move would be is not important, since any announcement regarding EEZ block 4 that is communicated by TOTAL will have a substantial impact on ERHC's share price.

Check-mate. Again!

"Total had secured a Partial Arbitral Award (“Partial Award”) stating it has a valid and enforceable interest in Block 4. (Case No. 14-18-00981-CV, Appx.2, Ex. A)."

"November 21st 2019: "After BP and Total, Shell is the third oil major to have decided to invest in the country's EEZ." Could the fierce litigtion over EEZ block 4 have anything to do with this quote from an article?