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Julius Erving

01/17/21 5:25 AM

#343744 RE: kingpindg #343743

Indeed, I forgot the link:

I truly think that some here actually started reading the document. I just sense it... that people are starting to do real DD now.

At the 1:40 mark Warren says about investing: "This is not a business where you take polls, it is a business where you think (...)"

There goes the "look at the share price" narrative out of the window... the very fact that the greatest investor of all time mentions this in general... is obvious: it happens ALL THE TIME with stocks: the market is far from ALWAYS right...!!!

Warren on investing: "It's a temperamental quality not an intellectual quality, you don't need tons of IQ in this business. I mean you have to have enough IQ to get from here to downtown Omaha, but you do not have to be able to play three-dimensional chess or be in the top leagues in terms of bridge playing or something... you need a stable personality"

"Ben Graham would say that you're not right or wrong BECAUSE A THOUSAND PEOPLE AGREE WITH YOU, and you're not right or wrong BECAUSE A THOUSAND PEOPLE DISAGREE WITH YOU..."

Do some still claim that we just have to "look at the share price" here?

After reading and seeing the above... I don't think so!