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01/15/21 10:03 AM

#333239 RE: Welsh_Dragon #333235

Minerco plans to increase capital for accredited and non-accredited investors in January 2021. The new law allows one investor or several investors with a total input of $5 million. By bringing in non-dilutive debt, increasing its value, establishing a evident vision and setting actionable targeted goals, Minerco gives its shareholders more confidence for the new year.

Minerco has 4 main strategies focused on (raising) funds:

1) Acquire and Retire Toxic Debt to create a stronger and stable balance sheet.
2) Acquire equipment needed to produce 1m psilocybin tablets daily to be sold to wholesale purchasers in Oregon, Vermont, domestically and Jamaica, Amsterdam, Canada globally.
3) Establish cash collateral reserves for MINE’S blockchain gateway and token SHRU. This cash collateral will spring board SHRU token onto the top Exchanges worldwide.
4) Acquire and renovate properties for Production and lease in Oregon, Vermont, Jamaica.