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01/11/21 10:20 AM

#96887 RE: TedJ #96886

The author clearly spells out what this test does referring to both antibodies and immunity.

An ultra-rapid testing company in Worcestershire believes it has developed a unique and highly accurate immunity test which detects the same antibodies that vaccinations produce against COVID-19.

A team of British scientists at Bio-Diagnostics Ltd, led by MD Simon Mico, says its BioCard test kit – already available at the company’s test website – “is increasingly being seen as the gold standard among immunity tests”

The fact that Innova is mentioned just seems to point out that they are

the test kits most widely used in UK universities, schools and care homes detected only 48% of COVID-19 infections in asymptomatic people

And that

until now ‘formed the lynchpin of its mass testing strategy’, reports the BMJ.

Having said that, immunity does not necessarily equate to infectiousness and different tests serve different purposes.