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Julius Erving

01/10/21 5:18 PM

#343651 RE: nwtf #343650

Will ERHC be the new Bitcoin?

An excerpt from the litigation documents:

b. The ERHC continue to stonewall and delay, necessitating further motions to compel.

The ERHC Defendants appeared for depositions, but refused to answer most substantive questions, produced no responsive documents, and tendered bare-boned written discovery responses. So Kosmos STP filed another motion to compel (Ex. D, Kosmos STP’s Jan. 10 Motion to Compel), and prevailed yet again. Ex. E (Jan. 26 Order). The ERHC Defendants, however, continued to play games with discovery. Rather than produce the responsive documents as ordered, they improperly redacted several communications with Total, necessitating yet another motion to compel (Ex. F, Kosmos STP’s Feb. 7 Motion to Compel), and yet another order from the Court ordering the immediate production of the non-redacted documents (Ex. G, Feb. 26 Order). Then, during the course of taking the supplemental depositions of Messers. Ntephe and Odobulu in late February, Kosmos STP learned that many documents likely had not been produced or were potentially destroyed.

Why all that effort for this 'Caveat Emptor' Skeleton-like Shell company?


01/10/21 6:20 PM

#343653 RE: nwtf #343650

Of course thats where Total come in !

Sorry your question must have been rhetorical ?