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01/10/21 4:03 PM

#139467 RE: All-Bidness #139465

“You know the data for HIV, it's 81% efficient with 350mg combo. The hard part is done, just a matter of submitting to the government in the correct format.”

The 350mg HIV combo trial for treatment resistant patients only had 47 patients in it. They may be one of the issues.


01/10/21 4:19 PM

#139469 RE: All-Bidness #139465

True, but how much revenue and what should the market cap of CytoDyn be?

3X Charm

01/10/21 8:38 PM

#139515 RE: All-Bidness #139465

The company will need income to survive a short run fail in the SC trial to bridge the income gap. HIV income will require a ramp up out side of the initial benchmark payment. The general sentiment seems to be that $ will always be there for CYDY. IMO it will be difficult for next round of funding If COVID is not successful.