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06/27/23 10:48 PM

#448163 RE: fuagf #361254

Uruguay marks the 50th anniversary of the coup

"Argentina legalises abortion in landmark moment for women's rights
"The Pope Speaks; The GOP Flails
"The Meaning of a Decent Society ROBERT B. REICH"""

Associated Press
160 views Jun 28, 2023
(27 Jun 2023) As Uruguay marks the 50th anniversary of the start of Uruguay's military dictatorship, repercussions continue and the struggle for accountability remains unanswered. (June 27)

50th anniversary of the coup d'état commemorated in Uruguay

TeleSUR English
58 views Jun 28, 2023
On Tuesday, the Inter-Union Workers and the National Workers Convention (PIT-CNT) called upon the citizens to commemorate the victims of the military dictatorship that seized power on June 27, 1973 and ruled Uruguay until March 1, 1985. teleSUR

10 years ago

A silent anniversary in Uruguay?

It’s time for Uruguay to make the anniversary of the military coup a national day of remembrance.

Francesca Lessa is a postdoctoral researcher at the Latin American Centre and St Anne's College, University of Oxford.

Pierre-Louis Le Goff is a research assistant at the Latin American centre, University of Oxford, and a member of the
committee for Crimes Against Humanity at the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Published On 27 Jun 2013

Uruguay's dictatorship involved mass incarceration, torture and forced disappearances [AP]

June 27 marks the 40th anniversary of Uruguay’s descent into the darkest period of its recent history. In 1973, the then constitutional president, Juan Maria Bordaberry, dissolved parliament and suspended the constitution, ushering in a civic-military dictatorship that would rule until 1985.

It is worth remembering that June 27 was but the apogee of a tragedy in three acts: on April 15, 1972, the judiciary was placed under military control; on February 9, 1973, Bordaberry performed an autogolpe (self-coup) which handed the executive branch over to the military’s Council of National Security. Finally, June 27 brought down the curtain on what had been until then one of Latin America’s most highly developed and inclusive democracies.

What followed was a period of state terrorism akin to the region’s other dictatorships coming to power at the time. The campaign of repression of all social and political opposition involved mass incarceration, widespread use of torture, Orwellian-style monitoring of its citizens and forced disappearances – also enacted in cooperation with the regime’s counterparts across the region through the infamous Operation Condor .. . Yet despite the historic significance of the anniversary of the 1973 coup, June 27 remains a day of little importance in the country’s official calendar.

Uruguay should, therefore, establish June 27 as a national day of commemoration, as called for by the human rights organisation of former political prisoners Crysol .. [Sp]. Not only would it represent a clear rejection of the attack on democracy and an important symbolic reparation to the dictatorship’s victims of human rights abuses and their families, it would furthermore provide an important space for people to voice their memories of the past.

Memory versus silence

With discussions about remembering the past, the somewhat cliched adage of “he who forgets history is condemned to repeat it” immediately springs to mind. While this may well be true at the individual level, at a collective and institutional level it is more appropriate to talk about selective memories, or selective forgetting. Following the assertions of scholar Elizabeth Jelin, it becomes clear that societies or institutions do not forget; rather, they tend to choose what to remember.

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As such, the process of establishing a collective memory becomes a conflicting one, with different groups and institutions competing to impose their own selective memory on the collective. As Jelin posits .. : “We should not think about debates between memory and silence, but one of opposing memories, each of them with its own silences and voids.”

Following the return to democracy in 1985, the Uruguayan state’s selective memory was embodied in the Ley de Caducidad, or Expiry Law, which granted amnesty to military and security personnel for human rights abuses committed during the dictatorship. President Sanguinetti’s famous phrase, “no hay que tener ojos en la nuca” (you must not have eyes in the back of your head), summed up the government’s emphasis on the need to focus on the future rather than the past.

In response to the state’s silence regarding the dictatorship’s crimes, the Uruguayan human rights community and civil society .. .. established various mechanisms to challenge impunity, based on demands for truth and justice, and, by doing so, championed their memories of human rights violations and state terrorism. Most emblematic is the Marcha del Silencio .. (March of Silence), held every May 20 since 1996, in which thousands march to commemorate disappeared detainees, symbolically repudiating impunity and state denial in a silent demonstration along Montevideo’s main avenue.

VIDEO - 02:20 Uruguay's president proposes legalising marijuana

Other acts included holding two popular consultations in 1989 and 2009 to overturn the Expiry Law, publication of the SERPAJ Never Again report into the dictatorship’s atrocities in 1989, construction of a Memorial to commemorate Disappeared Detainees .. .. inaugurated in 2001, opening of a Cultural Centre and Museum of Memory .. .. in 2007 in Montevideo, as well as the tireless efforts by victims, relatives and human rights lawyers to breach impunity by denouncing past abuses to the domestic criminal justice system.

Although the state’s preference for denial and impunity slowly began to change under the left-wing Frente Amplio governments in power since 2005, the current government is yet to fully embrace the cause of justice.

The historic overturning of the Expiry Law in October 2011, precipitated by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ decision in the Gelman versus Uruguay .. .. case and sustained civil society pressure over time, was as much a victory against state silence on the dictatorship’s crimes as an advancement towards greater accountability for past atrocities.

A national day of memory

Thus far, we have only spoken about two conflicting memories within Uruguayan society: that of the state and of the human rights community. However, these are not the only memories and voices competing for to be heard. Academics and journalists, like other social groups, also have selective memories.

In the build-up to the 40th anniversary of the coup, there has been a plethora of events, discussions and commemorations .. .. organised by civil society organisations, universities and trades unions, all of which are legitimate memories and explore the different impacts of the 1973 coup.

The PIT-CNT trade union, in particular, is commemorating the 40th anniversary of the longest general strike in the country’s history that began on the same day as the coup, and celebrating the example of popular resistance it represented in response to the takeover. Other activities and roundtables on issues such as exile, the role of art, literature, theatre and archives of the repression are organised by Montevideo City Hall.

Once again, the Uruguayan state is strikingly absent but not surprisingly so; in fact, it has largely left it to victims, survivors and activists to disseminate the truth about past atrocities, gather information and evidence to prosecute those responsible, and commemorate past crimes. Uruguay very much lags behind in fulfilling its positive obligations under international human rights law .. .. to provide victims with remedies for the violations suffered in terms of truth, justice and reparations.

Given the existence of a wide range of memory projects and the legitimation of the memories of human rights abuses on the collective memory, it would be reasonable to ask what difference a non-working national day of commemoration would make. If those affected have already carved out spaces – both materially and symbolically – in order to memorialise state terrorism and its victims, what would giving everyone else a day off achieve?

In practice, it seems unrealistic to think that the whole of society will automatically come together in rejection of the coup and the subsequent atrocities; indeed, for some, it will just be another day off to dedicate to private and personal endeavours. Moreover, it would be naïve to think that such an event would put an end to the conflicting nature of memorialising the dictatorship, or automatically set in motion a process of self-criticism of the past.

There are several things it would achieve, however. As a gesture by the state it would carry important symbolic value. On the one hand, by providing a shared platform and marker around which to coalesce, it would recognise the wide range of memory practices within society. On the other, and perhaps more importantly, it would represent an acknowledgment of the need to remember the violence and abuses that emanated from the state itself.

While of course there is the danger that the state could monopolise commemorations, which we would not wish to see happen, nevertheless the establishment of a national day of commemoration in 2013 would be of particular importance and symbolic value owing to recent events (the transfer of Judge Mota .. .. and sentences by the Supreme Court of Justice .. ) to prove an official commitment to truth, justice, memory and reparations for dictatorship crimes.

Furthermore, it would send a signal that June 27 is a day of national importance that all Uruguayans – not just the victims or mobilised civil society – should be remembering, offering a venue in which to discuss and debate the dictatorship and its legacies in public and social spaces for the whole of society to come to terms with Uruguay’s recent history.


08/14/23 10:33 PM

#451147 RE: fuagf #361254

Poverty, lawlessness benefits --- Who is Javier Milei, Argentina’s far-right populist politician?

"Argentina legalises abortion in landmark moment for women's rights
"The Pope Speaks; The GOP Flails
"The Meaning of a Decent Society ROBERT B. REICH""

An admirer of Trump, the 52-year-old leader rocks Argentina’s political establishment after winning most votes in Sunday’s primary election.

With videos

Milei has pledged to 'blow up' the political status quo, shutter the central bank, dollarise the economy
and massively shrink the state [Natacha Pisarenko/AP Photo]

Published On 14 Aug 202314 Aug 2023" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" >[tag]With videos]

Argentina’s presidential election .. .. race has an unpredictable X factor: Javier Milei, a fiery far-right populist who has emerged as the biggest winner in Sunday’s primary election.

The 52-year-old politician has exploited people’s disenchantment with the traditional political establishment, which has failed to address the perennial economic crisis in the Latin American nation.

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With tousled hair, often sporting leather jackets and singing rock songs at his boisterous political rallies, Milei – an admirer of former US President Donald Trump .. – wants to purge politics of what he calls “thieves”.

The libertarian economist and author has proposed to dollarise the economy, shutter the central bank and shut down some ministries to shrink the state in steps to fix Argentina’s economy, which faces high inflation and currency devaluation amid dwindling reserves and a looming debt bomb.

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Milei will be the frontrunner in the October presidential elections with centre-right coalition candidate Patricia Bullrich and the ruling coalition candidate Economy Minister Sergio Massa trailing in second and third place respectively.

Video 02:33 - oters express frustration ahead of Argentina primary election

“Everyone here is trying to recover from the shock of Sunday’s results. People here cannot believe it,” Al Jazeera’s Teresa Bo reported from Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires, on Monday morning.

She said the results reflect voters’ frustrations with the persistent economic crisis in the country, which has resulted in “disenchantment … with traditional politicians”.

“When you go to very poor neighbourhoods in Argentina and you talk to people there, they tell you that they’re not afraid about what could happen if Javier Milei makes it to the presidency because they have already lost it all,” Bo said.

In a format that is unique in the region, Argentinians voted .. .. on Sunday for their favourite among 22 presidential candidates, with anti-establishment Milei taking the top spot at more than 30 percent with 93 percent of votes counted.

“Today we took the first step toward the reconstruction of Argentina,” Milei said celebrating the results. “A different Argentina is impossible with the same people as always.”

Milei, who has been a lawmaker in the lower house of Argentina’s Congress since 2021, did not have a competitor in the presidential primary of his Liberty Advances party.

Bullrich, 67, had about 28 percent of the vote and 51-year-old lawyer and incumbent minister Massa was in third with about 27 percent.

Deeply unpopular President Alberto Fernandez is not seeking re-election .. .. as year-on-year inflation .. .. runs at 115 percent, poverty has soared and the value of the peso has plummeted.

Video 01:20 - Surprise election win for far-right candidate in Argentina

Who is Javier Milei?

Milei has shot from relative obscurity a few years ago to now polling at one-third of the vote. His combative, rock-style rallies appeal to voters angry .. .. at high inflation and rising poverty.

“Milei is a phenomenon,” said Benjamin Gedan, director of the Latin America and Argentina programmes at Washington-based think tank the Wilson Center, adding that his rise had rattled the two main political blocs – the governing Peronist coalition, now called Union por la Patria, or Union for the Homeland, and conservative opposition bloc, called Juntos por el Cambio, or Together for Change.

“His plague-on-both-your-houses message resonates among voters fed up with traditional political parties. And there are legions of these voters.”

In his closing campaign event this week, Milei rocked into an arena, singing and surrounded by cheering fans. He railed against the political elite who he called “robbers” taking money out of voters’ pockets.

“We are coming to defend against the looters of this system, which only benefits the political thieves,” he shouted at the joyful crowd as they chanted “freedom, freedom,” a reference to his party’s name La Libertad Avanza.

Video 02:37 - Argentinians vote in presidential primary: What to know

What are his policies?

Milei has pledged to “blow up” the political status quo, shutter the central bank, dollarise the economy and massively shrink the state – ideas that have resonated with many voters, especially young voters, after years of economic decline.

A former small-time rock musician and athlete, Milei opposes abortion and supports gun rights. He has criticised worker-friendly labour laws as a “cancer,” said the state is the “basis of all problems,” and praised US gangster Al Capone as a hero.

Milei’s rise reflects a wider regional trend in recent years that has seen Latin American politicians outside the mainstream and pledging to break up the status quo gain prominence in Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile.

“People are fed up with politicians,” said Adriano Gabriel Zoccola, a 31-year-old lawyer from Buenos Aires who supports Milei because of his economic proposals and plans to slash government spending and cut the number of ministries.

“If Argentina is going to have real change, something completely different has to emerge. I think that Javier is the right person,” added Zoccola, who said he had previously voted for Together for Change.

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Opponents say Milei’s proposals are unrealistic. That includes the plan to dollarise the economy, something most Argentines oppose despite the rapid depreciation of the peso currency and high inflation. A dollar-peso peg introduced for similar reasons in the 1990s brought short-term benefits but ended in an ugly devaluation.

Successive governments have failed to address the structural issues facing the economy, as it has defaulted on its loans to International Monetary Fund (IMF) several times.

The current crisis was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which badly affected its economy as food and energy prices went up.

At Milei’s electoral headquarters in downtown Buenos Aires, party leaders were ecstatic while people celebrated outside, expressing optimism that their candidate’s support would only grow in the run-up to October 22 election.

“I like his ideas about freedom. His ideas don’t scare me. People are free to choose what they want,” said Orlando Sanchez, 26, a retail worker.

“People are clearly tired of politics, being constantly lied to.”

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies