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12/26/20 2:51 AM

#361117 RE: fuagf #361110

One of the things that is almost never mentioned or made a point of, is many, maybe even a majority of these events happen in high crime that is also high demographic of the perp. You go into a neighborhood that is 95% latino, your going to get a latino 9 out 10 in the situation. A 95% black neighborhood the same result. And a very large number of incidents the victim was not innocent or an upstanding citizen. Did they deserve to die? No. Did they almost all the time put themselves in a situation that they could die? A high amount did.

They have a lot of questions in ohio too. Why did a person walk at police with his right hand far behind his back. Was he told to stay still? Did the police say anything? In the citizens position he was in the garage and can only see flashlights in his face. You're in your or your friends garage and two flashlights are suddenly in your face? A hundred thoughts go through your head in seconds and at the same time a hundred thoughts are going through the police's heads.
It's stress all the way around.

The part that average people don't understand is law enforcement is also trained to read situations and people. Most mistakes come with split second decisions based on a momentary movement or action.

Police officers know that the average citizen who maybe never had an officer approach them is totally nervous, scared of the unknown and your blood is in your ears from nerves and adrenaline. People who have been involved in minor crime or stopped before are less prone to nerves in that regard. A citizen can still make mistakes. But someone who, like george who started the summers protests was a serial small time criminal with a long record and drug problems. The police knew him, knew his antics and he fought them all the way.
Not right what happened to him, but he is responsible for putting himself in that position. He was caught committing a crime, a obviously stupid crime and he made his situation far worse than it ever had to be. He is also responsible for ruining many lives that day as well.
The recent thing everyone is human and makes mistakes.