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12/24/20 1:28 PM

#655384 RE: Commons_Cancelled #655356

The FACT IS JPS are extremely over valued today since they have zero chance of seeing any redemption @ par value or dividends for years to come. Their speculative rise based on direct lawsuit claims died with all the benefits of derrivative claims to benefit Common Owner's of the GSEs instantaneously upon award. Time is running out for a successful manual conversion from stale JPS debt contracts to Common $FNMA~ $FMCC~ Ownership as the pps margin's between them continue their narrowing trend.

JPS left holding the bag...


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12/24/20 5:11 PM

#655452 RE: Commons_Cancelled #655356

selective are we?

and over the last 24 months - a slug of key time - FNMA is up 3X that of FNMAS

just pointing out we too can select time frames to prove a point with statistics

you are fooling no one and informing even fewer