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01/08/07 12:22 PM

#106633 RE: ss9173 #106631

Very good post and thoughts, ss9173. Very good indeed. eom


01/08/07 12:27 PM

#106638 RE: ss9173 #106631

good post ss9173, do you or anyone know ....

re: "Whether or not Cornell brought in someone or if someone on the BOD decided that Neom needed the services of a turnaround specialist (again this is my opinion), I am glad to see the changes that are occurring and I like that they are happening relatively fast. It appears to me we are clearly in Stage 4 - Restructuring the Business."

.... if a company bringing in such a specialist normally issues a PR to that effect? It could be a positive thing if Neomedia had done it, and thus they should PR it. I can't think of any negatives in PR'ing it. They haven't PR'd it.



01/08/07 12:29 PM

#106640 RE: ss9173 #106631

EXCELLENT 10 ********** post.....Very well said..we will reach stage 5 in 2 nd quarter in my opinion....


01/08/07 12:29 PM

#106641 RE: ss9173 #106631

good read, good thoughts.

sure see NEOM in some of what you offered.


01/08/07 12:31 PM

#106643 RE: ss9173 #106631

Good reference ss9173; and also good comments by YJ and Koko earlier IMO.

Let's keep this reference in mind as we view future PRs, as a gauge of progess.


01/08/07 12:54 PM

#106647 RE: ss9173 #106631

SS: Thanx for the thoughts and links. :) I agree, a lot of thought has been put into what they've been doing as of late (restructuring) and it does appear that some outside assistance/guideance has been at play here.



01/08/07 1:55 PM

#106657 RE: ss9173 #106631

ss9173 - I apprecaite the fact that you still take the time to assist others in how to think in a rational manner.

Some of us have given up on attempting to help others and have resigned ourselves to the fact that it is enough for us "know what we know", based on the facts and our knowledge.

Some of us do not care what others "don't understand", and we do not care that there are others here who "have an agenda of their own" to deliberately cause confusion and inflict their own "insecure thinking" on others in an attempt to "deceive other posters".

Misery loves company, and most often demands the right to be heard! How else can insecurity and negative thinking feed on the frenzy created by those with the enept ability, or inability to recognize "the positive"!

I wish for all of you a great year!


01/08/07 4:20 PM

#106686 RE: ss9173 #106631

Great post SS! Sure seems like Neom has enlisted some "experts" to get them (us) out of this very long, long, long and dark tunnel we have been in.....I'm still hopeful that the technology/patents will prove to be the best and most sought after technology available for the current and near-term future environment, and that we/they now have the help they need to make it all happen. What a strange ride this one has been......


01/08/07 4:44 PM

#106699 RE: ss9173 #106631

Thanks, ss9173, almost miss this good DD.

With best regards, BM


01/09/07 12:01 AM

#106766 RE: ss9173 #106631

ss9173, thank you, terrific post, my favorite part:

Judging the success or failure of a turnaround

Of course, not all turnarounds succeed in the manner outlined here. A company may put a quick end to its disastrous losses but never quite attain an acceptable return position. When this occurs, management may decide to sell the business to a company better able to produce an acceptable return on the funds invested. In a sense, this is not failure at all. The company may very well thrive and reach new heights under different ownership. Here, the turnaround manager can play a key role in identifying prospective purchasers and then negotiating a successful sale.

Ironically, some companies never reach Stage Five because of significant success in the earlier steps. The turnaround becomes so successful that the company becomes a target of a takeover bid. Again, this must not be viewed as a failure. The company was saved and continues to perform well with stronger sales than ever before.


01/09/07 12:27 AM

#106770 RE: ss9173 #106631

**** Four star post ss !

Note: ... and three is my maximum :)


01/09/07 12:50 AM

#106773 RE: ss9173 #106631


Excellent analysis.

Thank you.
