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12/24/20 12:49 PM

#121656 RE: Dbrown13 #121654

Good point! It makes sense that we should have a number of the OG pirates on board. Nothing like aging out of the underground and now making it above ground. Cheers and Happy Holidays! Great to still be standing!


01/02/21 1:19 AM

#121772 RE: Dbrown13 #121654

Hopes you OKAY, Dbrown13... me not drinking as much in 2020 as I 24-7 busy constructing a self-sustaining biodiverse off-grid Shangri La in a beautiful rural isolated picture-postcard paradise, with ainimal-bird-bee friendly lands rolling gently down to a misty mystical lake and its holy islands... this magic construction and land purchases made from the profits accumulated in the first canna run, thank you Canopy et al... However, there will be great fun in '21 for canna investors, especially if the Dems take the Senate from next week's Georgia election, meaning legal canna adult rec on the cards for the US, and Mexico legalising too, so we may soonish see a canna free trade agreement between Canada, US and Mexico.... (urging Europe to get in on the act to pay for overload public spending on virus relief).... meaning: canny canna investors will make wee fortunes.... Good fortune to ye all...