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12/23/20 10:47 PM

#655217 RE: FastEddie18585 #655208

Spot on. Good post.

I was hopeful about Calabria from the beginning and said so at the time. Though he is more conservative than I am, he strikes me as an old school rule-of-law type rather than the current crop of corrupt Trumpanzees. Yes, his capital requirement is excessive, but it will help quell the criticism of releasing FnF from conservatorship, and ultimately we can live with it. In the long run, the companies will be stronger because of it, and it can likely be modified if future FHFA directors agree that it is excessive.

Of course, Calabria is but one cog in the wheel, but he's an important one, and I appreciate the steps he has taken to follow HERA and release us from conservatorship.