Other than a cytokine storm, and misc trivial things like potential blood clots.
Apparently the FDA disagrees.
SHs are going to learn Kenny will be pumping away on "tests" for the next two yrs. Neither is he ever going to show SHs the FDA's complete response. There will be no learning there.
Of course they have a plan on how to PR pump the scam for the next few yrs. Before riding off into the sunset upon retiring.
Does PMCB and Ken W have a plan ? Yes. Continue to pretend that PMCB is working on a treatment for Cancer while sucking as much money into their retirement accounts as possible. Same as the last 8+ years of Kenny's leadership. He has made his partners very well paid while shareholders have lost 99% of their $$.
Of course KW has a plan. His plan is to cash his paychecks as soon as possible before this cash cow stops. 62cents to half a penny and no-one is selling?
There is no reason to pour your hard earned dollars into the funnel that pads KW's portfolio.