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jimmy jon cash

12/21/20 10:59 PM

#1138 RE: travel lightly #1133

Their vehicle stopper has been hyped for years. Based on the directed energy laser talking points, investors might have assumed they would have a weapon that can be pointed at and disable a vehicle moving in the distance. I recall earlier presentations that seemed to show just that with an image labeled simulation. That would have been cool, but it's not the case and the more you find out, the less impressive it gets. Actually it's a replacement for spike strips.

At Noblecon Quarles showed that old PR photo of what you said is Hayden's car, and answered questions about what is really going on. The car was probably not moving, but placed over the device. Quarles says "you don't fire it in a beam" its "contained in a rubber pad on the ground".

Why after all these years has nothing come of it?

Is it even safe? (if someone was in the vehicle as claimed why didn't AERG simply show that in their PR photo). I wouldn't try it with a pacemaker.

Is it certain the energy is directed into the engine without other damage? (the DOD even says the car can be restarted). Why not the fuel tank, or the microprocessor or touch panel being disabled and the car continues forward with loss of drive by wire control?

What if the engine is in the rear and the gas tank is in the front, or there is no engine (an electric car)?

Can't it be defeated with simple conductive or insulating shielding under the car?