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01/08/07 12:51 AM

#29786 RE: themuppitman #29785

Am I a shareholder? No, I do this because I have nothing better to do with my spare time, duhhhh! Obviously you know very little about business and more importantly about MMA. DO your homework. Do you sincerely believe that if your employer wishes you not to do something that you’re going to be so bold and undoubtedly ignorant as to proceed? Get real! You’re obviously a “real fan” of Mr. Hergott’s and I’m sure he’s real proud of your defense. Unfortunately, if you’re so insistent on proof how do you know Imperia has signed anyone? Have you personally seen the contract’s, have you personally spoken with any of those individuals who have been “supposedly signed”? If so please provide proof. But alas, I’m sure the answer to those questions is a resounding no. Thanks for your defense. Now go back to law school since you obviously skipped a huge portion of the curriculum.
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was Bocephus

01/08/07 12:37 PM

#29790 RE: themuppitman #29785


> "... Most athletes other than those who are fictitious characters (such as the WWE) are governed by the organizations they work for only for what they do inside their sport. I highly doubt they can be told what movies they can have roles in or not have roles in. If you know something to the contrary in this situation, please provide proof."

Unfortunately, you are incorrect. Such organizations consider the intellectual capital/brand equity developed from the association of their name with their contractor/athlete highly valuable and they go to great lengths to protect it.

Even WWE contracts usually have restrictions on other activities, and not just on fictitious names. For example, in Brock Lesnar's WWE contract, the exclusivity clause provided that his participation in certain "permitted activities" (e.g., movies, endorsements, TV, etc.) was subject (i) to approval by WWE and (ii) a management fee/reimbursement to WWE and (iii) any $$ made by Lesnar for such permitted activities would be credited to his compensation.

Does that help? Not as cut and dry as you assume...

And, yes, actually, making a comparison between UFC to WWE is more accurate in this instance than comparing UFC to other "sports" organizations (by which I assume you mean major sports like NFL, MLB, &c.), because the actual party to the contract us UFC/WWE. NFL/MLB, etc. are not parties to player contracts.

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Cindy Ortiz

01/08/07 7:10 PM

#29792 RE: themuppitman #29785

"3) How do you know that Imperia violated an agreement with the UFC? Did you hear that from the UFC? Did you see the agreement or contract or arrangement? Or are you just going by what Ms. Ortiz stated? If you are just taking her word, then her word is highly suspect to say the least. She is obviously disgruntled. She is no longer with the company. She was terminated, or at least it seems that Imperia made a decision that they want nothing more to do with her. She clearly has an agenda. So unless you hear directly from the UFC something like this, I think this is one person's statement. And a tainted person's statement. Don't you think you should have first account proof before making a statement as if it is a fact?"

Hi Muppitman,

I am trying to stay out of this because James and Ken have enough problems as it is but, in response to an e-mail I received from TKwondo this afternoon, I will address the above comment.

Ask James if he had a agreement with Dana White and the UFC and if he and Ken violated the agreement, hence the demise of the relationship between Imperia and the UFC... which consisted of the inclusion of UFC fighters in the movie.

Also muppitman, how can I be "terminated" from a company I never worked for? Believe what you will but, for the record, the only form of compensation I ever received from Imperia was a check for $1,500 a few days before Christmas and it BOUNCED. I had to fight with Ken to get him to make it good, which he eventually did.

I have said I wish them luck with this project so please refrain from trying to use me deflect attention away from James and Ken from the shareholders. You don't see Ken or James disputing my comments, do you? No... because doing so would clearly lead to me "righting the wrong" and they don't want that.

First hand information you asked for would be to get it directly from James so ask him. Did he have an agreement with Dana and the UFC and did he and Ken violate it?
