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Big Brother

12/19/20 8:42 AM


If it is a custodian trying to hijack it, typically they would need shares first, that's part of what's presented to the court, that your a shareholder in the company, who wants to revive it and bring in value for the other shareholders.

Then once they get it, I believe they can cancel out old managements shares, issue themselves new shares, bring the filings back current, and then eventually, down the line, get more shares cleared and deposited for trading.....but until then, what's held at DTC is all that is tradeable.

Whether that's the case I have no clue, personally, I'd think you would want to try and load quietly, not put a big bid in and attract attention, especially in a ticker where shares are hard to get.

I don't have the foggiest idea what's going on, if anything, just a pure lotto really.