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12/28/20 10:53 PM

#8 RE: night_trader #7

Fusioneers Symbol USIO As A (n) Attention-Getter ?

Hi-Tech professionals in Silicon Valley & NY, are relocating to less expensive places to live and make a living. With offices in Austin, Tx., San Antonio and Franklin, TN., it would behoove FUSE to follow what USIO's Billserv/Payserv solutions have accomplished since 1998.

fUSIOn and FUSE must bring a bigger bat to the "digital" networking plate, before they can compete with AMAZON & other deep-pockets.

51 USIO employees, could work from home and develop & deploy, a multi-lingual Call-Center, similar to one "LA" Hoch & Co built in the past.

"Birds-of-Feather" flock together on E&M Commerce Planet Earth. And you can take that to banks, merchants, consumers & non-profit orgs.

On a (n) Individual basis, I own USIO stock and alerted on FUSE today.

( :}}} -Pick The Best Digital, 21st. Century, USA Fusioneer(s.) PROSPER!