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12/19/20 8:03 AM

#22892 RE: jabweatherman #22891

I don't think the merger will stall due to the opposition of some. I work for a large multinational (+500K employees) and during every merger/ take over you see that there's at least someone going against it. I do think that our claim is something that will be considered a priority. You don't want to take any liabilities you can't or partly control in a new company ...

On the merger itself. I'm assuming this plan has already been in the works for months, if not years. The rolling up of Tilray's mother holding Privateer into Tilray in June 2019 was according to me already a way to clean up the company and create transparancy if you start these kind of exercises.

The new TLRY/APHA company will try to position itself as one of the larger players focussing on cannabis products that will cover the production; product development; distribution. Their joint ventures with companies like ABInbev show they will go for expansion. On top both started rolling out parts of their business in Europe. As legislation globally (katalysed by the fact that Biden will be supporting the legalisation) will become milder towards cannabis, I do see them creating a success story.

Knowing TXMN can spoil the party ... :).

Note : I would not be against a settlement where we partly get shares of them ...