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Mr muse

12/18/20 7:11 AM

#9573 RE: Liberty777 #9572

Liberty, I totally agree that the long-term prospects for this stock is quite nice if they can reduce any spending of shares or keep it low enough to allow revenue increases to increase price.

I figure the outstanding stock could max out at 200MM in the short term. I don’t think they will sell all 92MM unless they do a significant merger of a $10MM company. And if they did, that $10MM could be double in 6 months as well with cross selling.

I hope they announce new cities in the coming months, and close deals like was mentioned in another post.

I would expect most serious investors to only sell a portion to balance risk, and still hold at least 50% for the eventual $4 price. They only need a billion dollar market cap at 250MM shares to hit $4 - and if they reach $100MM revenue is 10x valuation out of the question if they continue to grow by acquisitions? If they make $100MM in 2-3 years, what’s stopping them from growing bigger by bringing in a lot of smaller companies in cities all over the sunbelt?

It might take a few extra years, but if someone has this and can get $500,000 at $1 and it grows even 10% a year that’s $50,000 per year and I think it will grow more than 10% a year even at $2 a share.

For those of us who put 50% or more of our portfolio into this stock, rebalance is highly desired because anything can happen. And a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. But right now we are looking at 10 in the bush. Haha. 5 in hand is worth 10 in the bush, so .50 is not a bad place for some to take profit on a portion.

For me I had a target of .33 but that has increased to .67 for 50% of my shares and $1.50 for the other half, because if I take profit at .67 that erases all my losses and puts me in a good place to not worry about how high it goes.

I could then sit on the rest until $5 in 5 years. Which is doable. And that would make up for selling 50% I won’t sell all 50% at once either. It depends on news and reports and how likely I think it will sustain a $1 price verses a spike to $1 and a drop to .40 for instance.

Creating an exit plan and sticking to the plan based on published reports is very important for anyone. Don’t believe hype if numbers show something else. There should be models and expectations created and exceeding expectations will keep people in. So set expectations realistically.


12/18/20 8:17 AM

#9574 RE: Liberty777 #9572

why get out at a dollar?

just sell a portion (ata dollar may be half?) and keep the rest as free shares that could pay off just half the size of windfall you are dreaming about. but you can say at least I mad $x and bought a new car or another great emerging stock ...

I have been trimming my big winner this year and either re-investing or paying off things