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12/17/20 11:19 PM

#181726 RE: B-Dawg #181725

Marky Mark is just as guilty as Asshu at pumping dis Pig.

But stickied as per request. It won't be me if it disappears.


01/17/21 1:14 PM

#182125 RE: B-Dawg #181725

Nice story ...but Mark Caring doesn’t pay the Bills ...F Mark along with the other Cats ...I have my of them was when I told Mark I didn’t trust these guys and was gonna sell all 7 Million of my shares at the time ( We were trading just above 2 cents at that time ) ...He told me it would be a Big Mistake to sell ....The stock only tanked from that point forward ...I emailed him months later and showed him that thread ...Short story long ...I don’t trust Mark and he should have never given me trading advice.....I actually am one of the fortunate ones here who sold a Milly at 1.5 cents and have now parlayed that money very nicely....Anyway....F Investors Relations guy Mark just in case I didn’t mention it before.