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01/07/07 5:20 PM

#31590 RE: gnulnx #31582

sure. I asked how, if in 1995 they stated they had 2 or 3 hundred million shares issued, or whatever the # was, how they got to such a large # of shares, when the company confirmed on a more-or less basis the number of shares that i was told was issued.They said some of it was for acquisitions. I asked what about the rest? no answer. I asked how they could possibly revalue their assets (as they claimed on their 7/26 announcements) and they said that they would get appraisals. I mentioned that GAAP requires that assets be reported for balance sheet purposes at aquisition costs. We have our auditors working on that was the answer. I pressed on about the audited financials, and my answer was "well Enron had all sorts of audited financials" which I felt was the most arrogant answer I could get. All the questions were legit and politely posed. All they had to do was return a few calls...
I guess that they dont understand that if they answer questions to stock market guys, they might just get some real buying (not me btw, but REAL buying)...