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12/29/20 4:42 PM

#19 RE: drobx #18

Yes you can power a house if you design it correctly. I’m sure their main focus right now is on commercial buildings because thats where the money is. But yes they could eventually do smaller scale work to power residential in volume when they take off. As an example, the 75 house (google it) in Vancouver (i think) is a residential property constructed by a renowned architect. Zinc8 was expected to do an install for this residence as a demonstration of their product and that install was expected to start (or finish - I cant remember) on the 21st of December 2020. So per schedule the install should be nearing completion as we enter the new year if they abide by their news release schedule. This would prove they can do residential scale work - however I’m sure their focus is going to be on new buildings and retrofitting old buildings since they are now part of the building code in New York. No, their design is not gong to power any residence or building on its own - it is intended to be used in conjunction with Photovoltaics (or possibly wind). More jurisdictions will follow and I’m sure California will be following New York’s example. If Zinc8 can prove their technology is sound, California will certainly follow - nobody in the utility scale space can touch their unit cost and cost per kWh which is why they have had so much success. This stock is under the radar right now. There’s definitely some day to day manipulation but even at the highest prices in the 40 to 50 cent range - thats cheap in the long run. A lot of folks have taken notice now Zinc8 needs to prove themselves through initial demonstrations as they start their 2 year plan to go to a commercial scale. The other great thing is they are protected by patents. Nobody is going to come in and steal this idea from them. Sure their are others doing the same thing but not like Zinc8....nobody can touch their up front and long term utility cost savings (at least right now anyhow). I believe there is another private company owned by the same guy that owns the La times - and they also use Zinc, but they are definitely not as far along as Zinc8.