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12/16/20 11:12 PM

#2163886 RE: HanisT #2163881


...........The consulting work led to new connections, and the new connections has now led to a very amicable agreement to proceed with a Letter of Intent.

Letter of Intents are documents that do not mean much, unless it is followed with terms and an agreement to move forward, and with cash.

This time around, it is October - November 2020, and the Company believes that the party (not to be disclosed yet due to Non-Disclosure Statement), that the party will actually perform the terms.

The Company does not have "loose" or free trading shares.
The company nor insiders (Richard Tang, Anna Tang, and Erwin Vahlsing) have any shares to deposit.
The Company has debt but does not have intentions of converting to dilute the market.

The Company nor the insiders have any intention to sell any shares, and for that matter, the insiders do not even have any shares that are in deposited state.

The Company does not have DWAC so it is an impossibility to deposit shares electronically without the approval of Richard, Anna, or Erwin, to allow any deposits.
The Company uses a reliable Transfer Agent that ensures no funny business is going on.
The Company's float remains the same as it has been for years.
