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01/06/07 2:53 PM

#84613 RE: Mattu #84611 are you going to refund my money, or should I just go ahead and contact VISA? I'm sick of you and your childish bullshit. You should be fired and they should allow someone with better "people" skills to run this site, as you obviously lack them. Your a real class act.


01/06/07 7:19 PM

#84615 RE: Mattu #84611

Matt what must I do to be released from ihub prison?


01/08/07 7:35 PM

#84639 RE: Mattu #84611

Hey Matt,

You guys are really really strict.

I didnt realize it was that controlled here.

I dont know what to say, other than sorry.

I love the site and would like to participate.

I wont call anyone a 'tard' again,..or name call in general.

I do anything against tou,..I personally endorse terminating my account.




01/09/07 10:56 AM

#84651 RE: Mattu #84611

Matt...I had tried to send this message to you, and did not know if I did it the right way, so that it would make it to you. I am trying again... Thanks for listening...

Matt...I do not understand why I was sent to the jailhouse... I have not posted much on IHUB in the past, and was not familiar with the rules... Not being familiar with the rules is no excuse for not following them, and I will accept the responsibility for that.

You stated that you deal with conduct, and I certainly can appreciate that. I cannot understand why you allow there to be a double standard, with some posters getting deleted and jailed, while others can say the same things, and even worse, and nothing is done.

I realize that I got off on the wrong foot in the IBCX room, as I have been posting for years on the RB boards, and was able to say whatever I wanted. I am not a trouble maker, and was only posting solid, documented DD that these moderators, mick, angelhillcorp, and binzur did not like, and they kept deleting them. You have read the posts that they say was negative. I say that they were presenting a dissenting view, and not wanting to listen to a dissenting truth that they did not want to hear. I have no respect for these guys, as they have proven to be one-sided, tunnel-visioned, and weak spined in their dealings with me, and others...

Whether you realize it, or not, your IHUB boards, and, more specifically, some of your moderators, are being used as vehicles from which many of these small companies are using to pump their stocks... IMHO, some of the moderators, on this board, and on other boards, are being manipulated and used to pump and promote the wilful intents of others to deceive and steal money from good people. This is not an attempt to threaten, Matt, it is an attempt to alert you to what is perceived as a major problem, that could turn into a cancer one day, if not handled properly.

I have read enough posts from the jailhouse crowd to know that some of these people have legitimate gripes, and they have been kicked aside, probably per orders from the company, through the moderators, some of whom are point guards for the CEO... I learned in the military that the point guard was always the one with the highest casualties...taking the bullet for the team...

I got pizzed off, as these guys claim to be fair, yet, they were only allowing the pumpers (cheerleaders) approach to be heard, and were quick to put down any one that had a dissenting view from their own. I was invited into the room, and was forewarned also about these guys before I came.

If I had the time and the money, I would challenge these guys for the discrimination, and abuse that I have been subjected to. I do not have either, so I will have to be at the mercy of those that are, what I believe to be, unfair. It is not worth it, but, there will be some that will have the funds, and the staying power to make life hard on them...for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, Matt. It is just a matter of time. I know that I might be preaching to the choir, as birds of a feather flock together, but, this is what is on my heart, and I am speaking it to the only one that can make a difference.

There are many that believe that one, or more, of these guys are working as insiders with the CEO, Ed Hayter, and that is one of the reasons why the documented history is not allowed to get heard. Even if they are not working with the CEO, it gives an appearance of impropiety, and this is not good. Especially if there ever is any legal action brought against Ed Hayter, and this is a real possibility, as he has certainly implicated himself, many believe, in many ways, due to some of these same things that are going on on this board.

These guys are holding private phone conversations with the CEO, and only sharing the information with their select group. They could quite possibly be setting themselves up for some legal actions, as I am told that several members of IHUB have lodged complaints with the SEC, and possibly with other organizations such as the FBI Internet Crimes Division about these 3 moderators, and others on other boards, that might be participating, knowingly, or unknowingly, as pawns of organized crime...

This thing became personal when these guys would not allow, what I know to be the truth, the documented history of the CEO and company, to be heard, as they suppressed every post. All the while, coming up with various off the wall reasons why it was deleted. You have the posts, and I probably cannot expect any compassion from you, as you probably will back these guys.

I struck back hard, and will not deny that, but, how would you have responded? IHUB is a message board where company information is to be shared... It cannot function as a service when only one side, one interest, that of the company, CEO, and a few moderators, are the only voice that is being constantly heard...especially in an environment where buying and selling of stocks are based on the information provided, and/or not provided, by the moderators of a message board.

This is a common sense, no-brainer, Matt. These are not threats, I am just speaking from my heart. These guys have caused me great anguish, and I am also looking into what can be done to insure that I am not discriminated against again, by these guys, and by others on these message boards.

Now, I do not need to post on your board, especially if you allow such unprofessional, biased, arrogant individuals to control it. There is quite a difference between moderating a board, or officiating a board, and outright control. I saw situations such as this in sports, which I have been involved in all of my life, and in the officiating areas, as there was always more strife and friction where the official was determined to "control" the game through his attitude and dominance...instead of just "officiating" the game, and allowing the game to flow along nicely, and the kids to just play within the rules of the game that were given them...

Yes, it is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship. I am an intelligent person, and have information that should have been allowed to be heard. I have been a stockholder in this company for over 2 years, longer than most, have accumulated much documented, validated, truthful DD, and should have been allowed to share it with the board. I should not have been kicked to the curve, as I was. In suppressing the truth like this, these guys have possibly opened up a can of worms, and you appear to have agreed with them, in your putting me in jail.

I will not bow down, to these guys, Matt, or to you, as I have not done anything wrong. I am a man of integrity, honesty, and character, and have high moral standards. If you continue to allow moderators such as these guys to represent you, and your business organization, you only bring a loss of credibility upon yourself, and what you are trying to do with IHUB, IMHO.

I will not bother you anymore... You can do whatever you desire, you are the boss... Let me know, if you would, what your decision is. There are many that are not happy in this board, and, after reading some posts in the jailhouse, from other boards, as well, it appears, that this is a serious problem that you probably will have to address, at some point in time. You are the only one that can change things, or allow the status quo to remain. I have been abused by these guys, and wrongly treated, and I do not appreciate it...

Thank you for your time, and for listening... If I have offended you, or others, please forgive me, as this was not my intentions. I just wanted to participate, and contribute to helping others learn more about the CEO, his company, and both of their pasts... God bless you. This is all JMHO, of course, FWIW...



01/15/07 12:26 AM

#84756 RE: Mattu #84611

Matt if there is anything else I need to do,pm me and I will do it.

Foot signing off until I'm released.

Please give my 3 posts a day to a deserving jail bird.