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12/10/20 10:25 AM

#144476 RE: niczar #144347

To further that thought, Why bother to tier up?

Good Question.
" Why even do it "

Better Question.
Why does OTC even bother to offer such a tier?

Best Question.
Why are their so many Companies endeavoring to keep their security there.

Why would so many companies invest their treasure, their effort, their time, when they could just as easily hang out in the pinks, file when the want, save the application fee, the monthly fee etc.

IMO the answer, (well an answer)
There are 11,634 securities listed on the OTC, One needs to differentiate themselves from the others, In our instance it's the move to QB, with it's reporting standards, it's financing requirements, it's minimum SP requirement. Suffice to say the requirements. For many investors OTC has done much of the legwork for them. I'm not speaking of Brokerages or large savvy investors like we have here.

Just some thoughts.