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12/08/20 12:25 AM

#18369 RE: Meshuggah777 #18360

CS is the main cause of any pulmonary symptoms associated with COVID-19.
I thinks it’s clear there is no telling what all can be affected, and Bradykinin Disease is suspected in some instances, but Bucillamine should work either way, and here is why.

Bucillamine is not an Antioxidant, nor is an Amino Acid. But, Bucillamine will act as a vehicle to properly oxidize inflammation regions at the cellular level. That is why doctors across the world have dosed Covid patients with NAC.

It’s my understanding, In both instances of CS & BKD, the cells become inflamed and squeeze oxygen, and other “nutrients” (my layman term) out of the cell. Bucillamine will be a more efficient transporter (16 times more efficient) for oxygen, antioxidants, and other nutrients to restore and keep up with the proper balance within those inflamed cells.

I have no insider information, I have no medical/science background other than extensive health issues of my parents and in laws (all deceased of different types of cancer).

But, my suspicions are that the people on Bucillamine in the trials will have varying time frames of feeling better. Everything from a few days of taking doses to days after the 14th day of doses.

I agree with you on various therapeutics. LongHaulers will need doses of something.

I believe in the Science of Bucillamine, I bought into Revive based on the Science.
I believe the biggest risk is not getting it to market. I also believe that the FDA are damn fools to not move it quickly to the market (in any way, shape, or form) if it can reduce Hospitalizations.

Deaths are tragic, but Hospitalized patients is the most exposing weakness of the US Medical Infrastructure.