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01/05/07 11:27 AM

#31343 RE: MrPastorious #31334

MrP that is my point they mean net income
exactley pretax rev thats not a metric
re read my post more closley!!!!!!!!!!
NET INCOME 10% OF GROSS REVENUE = .025 per sharenet
pretax revenues of Phoenix could reach 10% of gross revenues.” was a typo should be something like (Net Income before taxes could reach 10% of gross revenues.) I checked it with Mike Mulshine and he confirmed it.
so 206000000/815000000=.25
.025*.62(38%tax rate)=.01567
what the share price should be? Well at least .03 the buy back price 2x 2006
once the form 10 is filed we can have a multiple not untill then because it is all speculation. That being said we are whay too cheep. the company bought stock back at 2x. we are now at 1 and that was for last year WE ARE IN 2007 NOW.
this is from the sep 26 news flash.
this is my gestimate.
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01/05/07 11:44 AM

#31347 RE: MrPastorious #31334

Ask your sources "VERY" close to the company. If he can tell you that the company will never file because they sold shares over the SEC limit to unaccredited investors, he can probably supply you with the most current balance sheet and status of the audited financials you say will never happen as a result of the above material and non-public information you have already received.

Oh wait, it was your Wall Street big shots that told you, oh wait it was not, oh wait...hrrrmmmm...well……..

Ask your Wall Street brethren who told you about this stock, oh wait, that was before you put the "jaundiced eye" to the information you received from them and found it to not be true. Scratch that.

Why do you not call the company and ask what pre-tax revenues are. Oh wait, that would require that you do exactly what you said you were here for, you know, "hold the companies feet to the fire". Scratch that too I guess, unless you consider "holding the companies feet to the fire" as posting on a message board for penny stocks when your a high cap market maker and expert with your "firm".

Or you could just continue to show us all "how I got bagged" without showing us anything at all.

Your asking and arguing over what “pre-tax revenues” mean when the answer to that question that is so important for you to need an answer is 1, yup ONE phone call away. You seem to have the time, I would do it for you if I could.

You can track down and question someone “VERY” close to the company and get unreleased and material information, but you can not get the answer to your question?

I do not have big contacts and super smart investment ties like you, so I have to go to the horses mouth and my question to you is: Did you recieve information from someone very close to the company that unregistered shares were sold to what is probably unaccredited investors?
