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12/03/20 12:25 AM

#335454 RE: oldtimer investor #335453

I kinna agree with you but on the other hand BUFFALO HEAD feel it's better LE NOT to disclose the site location etc. Until it's initiated or halfway through imo.

BPs have the clout to sway

+FDA decisions

+BPs can hinder the progress/kill start-up companies (*if they cannot acquire them for peanuts or if it doesn't go their way or a threat to their blockbuster drugs)...there was an article awhile ago how these BPs (eg Roche/JnJ/ others) fund these small startups and pull the plug halfway through for various reasons n that literally kills the startups or delays their entry into the market)...this way they can get away with few 100 million dollars rather than losing billions.

+ On the same note DO BPs HAVE CONNECTIONS IN THE CMO WORLD? (ABSOLUTELY!). A FOUL PLAY possible? You be the judge! It just costs them few 100 millions...

We shouldn't be thinking like these things will happen in America right? Its happening at every level. ITS SAD!!!