The questions asked by the SCOTUS will give us a good indicator of their thoughts. They have mountains of paperwork and the clerks have been going through it for months I'm sure. Now it's just a matter of time and if the USA has not gone 3rd world...debatable at this juncture, we will get our fair compensation in one of the best Companies in the world.
I disagree. SCOTUS justices often tip their hands by the types of questions they ask and the challenges they make to statements from both sides.
Add to that the fact that SCOTUS is now 6-3 conservative, and I think you have the makings of a basis for determining how they will vote when the time comes. SCOTUS insiders will see this and be able to read the tea leaves.
And I think Mnuchin also knows this and sees it as potential cover for a possible consent decree plan.
I dont say this is as guaranteed, but I do foresee the makings of Treasury/FHFA outcomes based on the hearings.