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12/02/20 3:31 PM

#201912 RE: Neotide #201910

I am not blaming the SEC or DOJ for anything except for general sloppiness, past and present, and the fact that high ranking officials often let their power and authority go to their heads, ergo, they are superior beings looking down on the little people with disdain and can do whatever the heck they want.


12/02/20 4:16 PM

#201918 RE: Neotide #201910

Yes! Apparently there are a lot of rainbows and unicorns in some of the closed-minded and narrow thinking on this board. Many pick and choose the facts they want to believe. Up to the individual at this point. We shall find out who is Right and who is in prison in a few short months. Highly unlikely they will streach it out past March with another can kicking process. Not happy Mark gets 4 more months to be free, but the process must play out. It's his last 4 months of freedom for the rest of his scumbaging life. Im good wit dat.


12/02/20 4:44 PM

#201921 RE: Neotide #201910

This is my view, mostly. However I feel $ARYC was cruising for criminal charges because of their continual lies.

If there's anything really to blame is that the SEC did not take action after the first year of no financial documents. Had they stepped up earlier maybe all of the criminal charges could have been avoided

But yes, the SEC failed investors IMO.