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12/02/20 12:56 PM

#131268 RE: Srpedro29 #131265

Srpedro - look that you are longer here than I am , for me January will be 5 years ,

And being a physician , like your friend , I always look for something negative in our Leronlimab , and in contrary I am finding things to impress me more ...

Cant believe Dr Fauci and FDA , what they doing and why , it was much more noticeable during the pandemic...

And I believe that if not during our life , in the history they be treated fair , and will get what they deserve , as the Gov denying doctors to treat their patients as they feel they should..

Very many wrong , politically motivated things happened in USA now , things I even didn't see in a communist Country..

Lets history be the judge..

All IMO.