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Brooge warrants cancelled

12/01/20 11:40 PM

#648084 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #648083

That smells.
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12/02/20 5:50 AM

#648095 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #648083

I wouldn't doubt that they are all on payroll
to suppress the share price. What motivation can
there be to 'hate' on F and F for 12+ years? Why
do they always refer to us as "greedy hedge funds"??

Why don't they root against MSFT or APPL or even TSLA?
Why are we the only company that has been vilified since
2008, and they'd all like to see us "wiped out"?? We are
also "taxpayers" as they so often refer that "the taxpayers"
are the ones that should be the true owners, not us greedy hedge funds who stand to make a "windfall" if cship ends, or PSPA is amended, or Supreme Ct rules for Collins.....

Do they ever report on what the share prices have been since 2008? Or that these companies crank out $15 to $20 BILLION in net profits each year, consistently, yet common and preferred pps is $2 a share or $8 a share when other stocks from 2008 have risen ten-fold since then, it's okay that FaceBook has gone from $20 to $275, Microsoft $29 to $220, even all the banks were in the dumper, most single digits, and now JPM $100+, BOA $25, etc. etc.
Why don't WE get to participate in that equity rise in value???

I'll bet that no one has EVER asked Gasbag, Light, Carney, Bove,
Parrot, Warner, Crapo, the list goes on and on, "why do you so HATE Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac"? These companies ended up being the BEST BAILOUT FOR US TAXPAYERS IN HISTORY!!! Over $100 BILLION MORE PAID BACK THAN EXTENDED IN CREDIT!! Why is no one saying: "Wow, GSE's have really been a great investment for the US Taxpayer, netting them over $100 BILLION in net profits, what a deal! But as Crapo said yesterday, "It's time for this to come to a close" or something to that effect.....

How about it Light, will you do an article on this aspect of F and F? And not just skim on it, make the focus of the article how GREAT F and F have been for the taxpayer, but it's time to end this "temporary" 12 year conservatorship and put their operations back in private (shareholder) hands.... this never would have lasted more than a year if it was MSFT, GOOG, etc. etc.
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12/02/20 8:09 AM

#648112 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #648083

Gasbag is a petty immature reporter. His main beef is because of the shareholders and his Twitter feed getting bullied.. he doesn't have anything with the GSE but more with the shareholders, a petty micro person. Doesn't have a thick skin to be a journalist... Or a public person...