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12/02/20 11:45 AM

#546 RE: the cork #536

The stock doesn't owe you any money. The point of the stock market isn't to make you personally rich, nor is it the point of this stock. NEVDF represents a company whose actual business is mining. Buying and selling ownership of a company that owns a mine is what this stock and the market itself is all about. Anything else is ancillary to that purpose.

When circumstances showed that the mining had to be done in a different way, simply due to the laws of physics, that wasn't necessarily something they could have predicted in advance. They needed more money to deal with the costs involved. And they needed it at a time when the market happens to be in a vast sea of turmoil and confusion, with mania and euphoria in other areas of the market and lots of doubt and foreboding elsewhere. Maybe they also miscalculated and sold too much stock, when they were also confused by the sea of propaganda everyone else is swimming in. These type of things happen and are to be expected.

Over at NAK they've been floating along around a dollar a share up until the past week, when their permit was denied and they took a nose dive down to .34 now. No end of bitching and whining on the NAK forum. You can tell it the tone of how they write; they're angry, upset......emotionally affected little girls. It's pathetic.

I'm currently long SQQQ. I watch it sink every day, and keep buying more anyway--because I think a crash is coming soon. I could very well be wrong and end up losing a significant percentage if no crash comes soon. That's on me. Every day people are making money at my expense. That's the risk I take, and it doesn't bother me at all.

Likewise, the risks you take are the risks you take, and you aren't guaranteed shit. So stop complaining about the performance of this stock, please. If it dives back down to 5 cents tomorrow due to some news release I don't want to hear a damn thing about it. If you're such an experienced investor then make your plays accordingly and take when comes.