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12/01/20 4:07 PM

#647944 RE: Brooge warrants cancelled #647942

If the win is as shallow as making Calabria removable at will, then yes it won't affect Commons in a positive way.

It would impact Commons' price in a negative way though.


12/01/20 4:47 PM

#647954 RE: Brooge warrants cancelled #647942

jps have no choice but to try and spin fake news (Jiz Liz SA's fake Mnuchin quote this am) to unload their illiquid shares and try and keep commons down.

some smart ones like Ackman have already unloaded jps and gone 100 percent commons.

by the time Lambreth trail even starts we will be above jps par and by the time jps trial ends double the price of jps par.

don't believe a word or post you get from jps SA, jps twitter, or jps posts.

It's all fake news with an agenda. It all goes away when back to NYSE because fake news won't be able to move the stock and could be an SEC issue.

I wasn't upset with Mnuchin's words today. We need action before exit. He can do this after he is done with all these bs meetings like today. IMO